Position type: Vaginal sex Anal sex Woman on top Cowgirl, Face to face Lying down
Main stimulation: G-spot stimulation A-spot stimulation
Auxiliary stimulation: Breast kissing Holding her buttocks
Who takes the initiative: Man active Woman active
Position description:
Sometimes, even temperamental partners need to cool their ardor and try positions for more vanilla sex, and that is a simple but very voluptuous option. The man lies on his back, his legs are slightly bent in knees and pulled on sides. The woman is on top of the male partner with the face to him so that one leg is between her legs. One hand of the lady is straight and stands on the floor and support is on it, the second one is bent in elbow, and is on the male partner’s chest. The man puts his hands on the female partner’s buttocks and he is able to control the rhythm.