Position type: Vaginal sex Anal sex From behind Rear entry Standing
Main stimulation: G-spot sitmulation
Auxiliary stimulation: No
Who takes the initiative: Man active Woman active
Position description:
Beautiful things always require us to work hard and keep trying, it is aslo valid for difficult sex positions. If you don't try it, you will never know its taste. Both parties are willing to try difficult sex positions, showing that your passion is still there. Take action. Please don't wait for the day when your body keeps calling. The woman lies on a bed with her feet on the edge, bends them in knees, and drives them widely apart. The male partner gets between her legs, slightly bends his knees, takes a comfortable position, takes his darling by the waist, and lifts her upper body on him. At the same time, the woman remains in a horizontal position. She bends her legs and leans them on the man's back, straight arms she puts on his knees and makes support on them.