Position type: Vaginal sex Anal sex Cowgirl From behind Woman on top
Main stimulation: G-spot stimulation P-spot stimulation
Auxiliary stimulation: No
Who takes the initiative: Man active Woman active
Position description:
In this sex position, the woman is very relaxed, she is even reading a book or watching TV, everything seems to be nothing feeling, but before you know it, you are both ignited by each other. This step-by-step method makes people enjoy it, a little bit Not obtrusive. The man stations himself comfortably on the bad, armchair, it can be a wide balcony or any other surface where he will sit, hang down and open his legs, lean back and lean on his hands open on sides. The woman sits on the partner up like on a bench. Her legs are forced together and holds with her hands her partner’s thighs and lifting her buttocks she leads them both to the peak of joy. The position is fantastic, especially, if the man is whiling to watch football match.