Main stimulation: Penis sitmulation
Auxiliary stimulation: Hold her buttocks Breasts touching Hand clitoris stimulation
Who takes the initiative: Woman active
Position description:
An indicator of the emotional depth of a couple is whether there is oral sex during sex, although some people do not agree with this view. No oral sex does not mean that your relationship is not good, but if you have oral sex with each other, your connection will improve significantly. If you don't have one now, you might communicate with your partner during the next sex because oral sex is essential. The man lies sideways lifting the upper part of his body on elbow and bents his legs opening them. The woman lies down next to him for her knees to be near her male partner’s shoulders, the legs to be bent and the face to be on the level of the genital area of the male partner. The female partner pulls her male partner’s buttocks with one arm and caresses his cock, in his turn the male partner can stimulate the crotch of his mistress with his arms. And then, why not have sex?!