Position type: Vaginal sex Anal sex Kneeling Man on top Right angle
Main stimulation: G-spot stimulation A-spot stimulation
Auxiliary stimulation: Hand clitoris stimulation Hold her buttocks
Who takes the initiative: Man active
Position description: Lure your partner in the nets, get under his skin so that he loses track of time, and distract from the unnecessary affairs, then, he is all at your disposal, and it is very tempting. The woman lies on her side, and arms are bent to elbows; one is under her head, and support is on it. One leg is bent at the knee, the second is straight, and they are driven widely apart. The man ceases on his knees between the female partner’s legs, the straight leg he puts on his shoulder, with one hand he takes the lady by the buttocks, and with the other one, he caresses her crotch during sex.