Position type: Oral sex Kneeling Lying down
Main stimulation: Clitoral stimulation
Auxiliary stimulation: Breasts touching Holding her buttocks
Who takes the initiative: Man active
Position description:
The good man is here, he is serving her wholeheartedly, his tongue is dancing and at the same time discharging, the woman must be trembling with sexual groans at this time. The woman lies comfortably on her back, she opens her legs and bends slightly her knees. The male partner is located between her legs while lying on his belly, his legs are also bent at the knees and are raised up, he holds the buttocks of his mistress with his arms, and as to the rest, it all depends on the flight of his imagination. The man can rack his temptress in that position during long time, not allowing her to feel an orgasm or act more decisively and clearly, bringing her deliberately to ecstasy.