Main stimulation: G-spot stimulation
Auxiliary stimulation: Breasts touching
Who takes the initiative: Man active
Position description:
We all yearn for long and sweet love, but all of this needs to be paid by us. Sex is one of the best tools to nourish love. It can resolve too much unpleasantness and ease the pressure of life, love each other, and you will gain more.The woman sits on her feet, cuddles tightly her knees to her breast, she lowers her head and stretches her arms forward. The man is on his knees, with his thighs opened behind her, he overhangs the female partner leaning on his arms, that are placed on both sides from her. The woman can not take active part in this position, she surrenders meekly to his partner, allowing him to lead and confiding her body to him. She is leaded by feelings that partner is obliged to provide.