Position type: Vaginal sex Cowgirl Face to face Woman on top
Main stimulation: P-spot stimulation
Auxiliary stimulation: Breasts touching Breast kissing Holding her buttocks Kissing
Who takes the initiative: Woman active
Position description:
Women can also take the initiative, especially in front of their men. No matter how much he desires to control before, you should sit in the cockpit of a luxury yacht at this time and hold the steering wheel. The man lies on his back, his arms are stretched along the body, palms down, legs are slightly bent in knees and driven apart. The woman sits on the penis of the male partner so that her one leg, bent in knee, is placed near the partner side and the second one lies between the man’s side from the other side. The woman’s hand is on the neck of the male partner, and with the second hand she massages his testicles, torso is tilted forward.