Position type: Vaginal sex Anal sex From behind Man on top Rear entry
Main stimulation: G-spot stimulation A-spot stimulation
Auxiliary stimulation: Breasts touching Breast kissing Kissing
Who takes the initiative: Man active
Position description:
The greatest significance of sex is that it can heat up a couple's relationship that is about to cool down. A good beloved relationship keeps your partners at the right temperature. This is a good position for flirting. You can speak foul language and pornographic language, so that you can completely activate each other's sexual desire. The woman lies on her back and her pelvis and straight feet are slightly turned on the side. The man is on his knees in front of his female partner’s buttocks, one leg is slightly put forward, and the second one is put backwards to his darling’s feet. The male partner’s arms are straight, palms are on the surface near the woman’s shoulder and close to her breast, with support on them. The woman embraces the man’s neck with one arm, and with the second one she takes his hand a little above the elbow.