Main stimulation: G-spot stimulation A-spot stimulation
Auxiliary stimulation: Breast kissing Kissing
Who takes the initiative: Man active
Position description:
No matter how difficult life is, it must be full of passion, because God created everyone to come to this world to taste the suffering of the world, fortunately, it also gives us sex passionate bread. The man stands, and his female partner stands next to him, but only sideways, getting up at the same time on her toes. The male partner hugs his female partner with one arm around the waist, and with the other arm, he takes her foot and lifts it up, bending in the knee. If necessary, the male partner also puts one foot on toe, leaning on it, he penetrates in his mistress, as if from below and she hugs his neck with one hand for balance, she can caress her body and her crotch with her second hand, that won’t be hidden from the eyes of her excited man.