Position type: Vagina sex Anal sex From behind Kneeling Right angle
Main stimulation: A-spot stimulation G-spot stimulation
Auxiliary stimulation: No
Who takes the initiative: Man active
Position description: This position makes for the show and opens the female up for total, deep exposure. Slightly feral, there’s something delicious and alluring about it. It is a deep sex position for ultimate pleasure that places both parties in contact with one another. The woman lies on her side on the fitness ball. Her arm and leg are on the floor. She puts the other hand on the ball near the waist to balance the body and lifts her second leg. The man kneels so that her leg is between his thighs. He throws her raised leg on his shoulder. With one hand, he embraces the lover. He grabs her thigh with his second hand and makes her vagina burn, melt, and flow like wax.