Position type: Vagina sex Face to face Sitting
Main stimulation: P-spot stimulation
Auxiliary stimulation: Kissing Breast kissing Breasts touching
Who takes the initiative: Man active Women active
Position description: Two excited bodies, double hugs, burning eyes of two pairs of eyes, this position makes every sensation multiplied by two, and this is a very significant reason for mega delight. The man sits on a flat surface with legs outstretched, slightly apart to the side, and bent at the knees. The woman sits facing the male partner, throws her legs on his hips, and bends them at the knees. The male partner supports himself by his hand on the backward; his woman repeats after him and puts her hand backward, placing it at the man’s feet. He hugs her just above the waist; she puts her hands around his neck as if pulling him, drawing to a double delight.